API Client Id and Client Secret

Sally Robinson Updated by Sally Robinson

Customer Administrators of OneAdvanced Identity can generate their own Client Id and a secret used as part of Authentication if the third party is using the new Authentication method as part of their integration.

These clients receive OAuth2 credentials, which can be used to obtain tokens to access APIs for Legal Forms.

Logging into Identity (MyWorkplace platform) for the first time

Please refer to the documentation which can be found here - OneAdvanced Single Sign-on login process

My Workplace

Once successfully logged in to MyWorkplace

  1. Go to Apps | Integrations | API clients
API Client screen
  1. Select Add client
  2. Give the API client a name and description e.g. PCMS integration, which will help to easily identity this in the future
  1. Add the Owner's details
  1. Click Add

Managing Client credentials

You will not be able to see the secret for a confidential client again after creating them so please ensure you save them in a secure location e.g. Secrets Manager.

For security reasons, secrets are hidden by default.

  1. You can view the secret by clicking on the eye icon.
  2. You can copy secrets to your clipboard using the Copy button to make it easy to input.
  1. Click Close when you have the credentials safe

In cases of loss, theft, or to ensure good security practices, the secret can be rotated. This involves generating a new random string as a secret.

  • To rotate a secret, go to the API clients screen, click on the actions icon and select Rotate secret
  • You will need to input the client’s name to confirm the operation, which cannot be undone.

Once the rotation is successful, the old secret will immediately no longer be usable.

Remember you will not be able to see the secret again so please ensure you save it again

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