Mortgage filing attachments
Are there any restrictions on file size of my attachments?
Companies House restrict attachments to a maximum of 10MB. If your attachment is larger than 10MB, we advise reducing your scanning resolution.
We are aware of some instances where a file close to the 10MB limit has been rejected by Companies House.
My attachment filenames are longer than 32 characters - can this be changed by Companies House?
Companies House say:
The 32 character limit is set by the schema and the database. With the introduction of the new API in the future this may be something that will be considered then but unfortunately there are no plans at present.
If the instrument refers to the charged land being e.g. 'edged red' do I need a to have a colour scanned attachment?
Yes if the colour is material to the description of the land, the attachment must be in colour.
Does the attachment need to be a certified copy?
There is no need for it to be stamped as a certified copy.
Registrars Rules: A qualifying charge document may only be delivered using software filing if it is accompanied by:
(a) a copy instrument; and
(b) the certificate referred to in S859A(3)
With an electronic submission either via the Companies House Web Filing service or a software package there is no requirement for the PDF attachment of the deed to be certified but this confirmation is required within the data of the MR01.
How do I include the attachment where the deed is signed in counterpart?
Companies House guidance is that if the lender’s part is not provided when a charge has been signed in counterpart, they would not reject the form for this reason. If you want to provide both parts then this would also be acceptable, although both need to be scanned together as one single PDF.
Can I register foreign language security documents?
Yes, the instrument and the translation should be scanned as one PDF document and then attached. In the certification wording populated by answering the question regarding redaction, you should amend the basic statement to include something along the lines of "this is a true copy of the original and a true translation of the foreign document". This would be sufficient for Companies House needs as long as both documents are in one PDF.
Can I submit a security document with a plan larger than A3?
Yes, Companies House will accept the attachment in good faith. If the image of the plan is submitted in A4, they will take it that the original is in the same format. The standard Companies House file size limit will apply.
How do I include the attachment to Companies House where the deed is signed in counterpart?
Companies House guidance is that if the lender’s part is not provided when a charge has been signed in , they would not reject the form for this reason. If you want to provide both parts then this would also be acceptable, although both need to be scanned together as one single PDF.