Create new user(s)

Sally Robinson Updated by Sally Robinson

Creating new users

From Settings | View users Administrators are able to create new users, either a single user or multiple.

Creating a single user

  • From Settings | View users, select Create new users
  • By default, you will be presented with the single user tab
  • Enter the Email address, First Name and Surname of the new user
  • It is recommended that you check the Send an email to user on creation check box
  • Select Create User
  • A confirmation message will be displayed on successful creation

Creating multiple new users

  • From Settings | View users, select Create new user(s)
  • Select Create multiple users tab
  • Open a new spreadsheet and add the following to three columns
  • Add the forenames, surname and email addresses of the new users
  • Select all excluding the first row
  • Paste into the text box in Legal Forms
  • If required, check Send an email to each user on creation telling then how to get started
  • Click Create Users

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