Digital submissions invalid credentials

Sally Robinson Updated by Sally Robinson

If a user receives an error message saying that you credentials are invalid, a Legal Forms administrator will need to resolve this.

  • Go to Settings | Gateway settings

There are a few reasons this might happen:

  • You have a new account in Legal Forms and you have not yet completed the setup to begin making submissions, including obtaining credentials for softwire filing to the gateway, and entering those credentials into the Settings.
  • You have been filing successfully with valid credentials prior to this message. Therefore, either either your credentials with the gateway have changed (for example you have re-set your password at HMRC and not updated the password in the Legal Forms Settings), or your Settings in Legal Forms have been updated, and they no longer match your gateway credentials.

See more...

Applying for a Companies House account

Applying for an HMRC account

Applying for a Land Registry account

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