Legal Forms icons and what they mean


What it means

Bundled form in Forms Library

Add additional forms to create a bundle which can be shared with colleagues as a whole and generate all the forms as a PDF rather than doing each individually

Linked forms in Forms Library

For example two Lasting Powers of Attorney for one client which you have linked together to share the common data

A new announcement is available in the Product Hub

This might be new functionality available for example

A draft Hub (digitally submittable) form. This form can be edited.

This form has been created but not submitted to a gateway, or is was submitted and rejected, and is now being edited again before resubmission

Hub (digitally submittable) form that needs attention

The form has been rejected, failed, or requisitioned (Land Registry only) and needs attention

A Hub(digitally submitted) form pending response

This form has been submitted and awaits a response for the gateway it was submitted to.

Form is locked and shared externally.

The form will become editable again once the external link has expired or if you recall the shared form.

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