Linked Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) forms have special extra features in Legal Forms enabling you to create linked forms. This is a really useful feature, saving you time if you need to create multiple LPAs for a client.

  1. Create an LPA in Cloud Forms

For example, create an LP1F Lasting Power of Attorney for financial decisions

Fill in the details for this form. If you use Legal Forms integrated with another application, you can also create the form in that way with prepopulated data.

  1. Go to the Form history page.

This is accessed from the View history button on the right-hand panel.

View History button

There are slightly different options on these forms than those you would see on standard forms since they have an LPA workflow. You will see the option to Link form with the current form the first in the Forms list. Choose one of the related forms from the dropdown, in the example below we've chosen LP1H Lasting Power of Attorney for health and care decisions, and then click Link form.

  1. Review the linked form

You now have forms linked together in the Form list. Go to Edit the newly added form and you will see the data copied through from the original form. You can now edit any additional information specific to that form.

  1. You will see an extra link symbol denoting linked forms in your worklist.

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