SDLT- Correcting a mistake

What do I do if I have made a mistake on my SDLT form but it has already been submitted and processed by HMRC?

If you made a mistake when you filled in your SDLT return, you have 12 months after the filing date to amend it. You can correct some minor errors by post or by phone. For other more substantial errors, for example, where the underlying identity of any buyer or the property details needs changing or where the new effective date is after the date of notification, you must:

  •  file a new return with the correct information.
  • write to Birmingham Stamp Office giving reasons for the new return and quote the UTRN of the incorrect and correct returns.

To ask HMRC to amend a return older than 12 months write to Birmingham Stamp Office explaining what the error is, how it arose and include a copy of your original return.

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