Applying for an HMRC/SDLT account

To submit Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) forms through in Legal Forms, you use the same credentials as you use for HMRC Online Services.

You will need:

  • HMRC User ID
  • HMRC User Password
  • Stamp Taxes Online Reference Number (STORN)

If you have used HMRC Online Services before you will already have these credentials.

Don't know your HMRC credentials?

Visit, where you will find information on how to obtain any lost credentials.

You can find the STORN by logging in to the HMRC Online Service. It will be shown below the service name on “Your services” page.

New to HMRC online

If you haven't used HMRC online before and you don’t have these credentials:

  1. Go to and click “Register” under the “New Users” section.
  2. On the next page “What would you like to do”, click on the “Sign up for HMRC online services”, then select “Organisation”.
  3. You will need to ensure that “Stamp Taxes” is selected, then follow the rest of the prompts, filling in the details specific to your company.

NOTE Once you have obtained your credentials, you must add these in the Settings sections on Legal Forms before you can submit to the agency.

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SDLT - agent authorisation
