Companies House credit account

Is there is a credit limit on filings?

Companies House put a credit limit on accounts, but this is looked at on an individual basis. The base credit limit starts at £500. Anything over £1,000 would warrant a credit check.

If you reach your credit limit in any one month, any further forms will be rejected. Speak to the customer care team at Companies House to resolve this.

How long after the invoice is available the funds are taken by Companies House?

Companies House payment  terms are strictly 30 days due net, so an invoice for the 1st July would be due for payment by 31st July. where they set up a DD for the credit account, the funds will be taken 30 days after the invoice date.

Which submissions appear on each Companies House invoice?

Companies House invoices monthly in arrears. The invoice will show the submission date for each accepted form. The invoice month this falls into may not be the same as the calendar month of the submission. If the last two days of the month are not business days, submissions on those days will be included on the following month’s invoice.

Submissions have been rejected by Companies House due to Credit Limit reached or Account Payment problem.

Your administrator should contact Companies House to resolve this. OneAdvanced or the Legal Forms application does not have any way of resolving a credit account issue with Companies House on your behalf.

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