Digital Shredder

Sally Robinson Updated by Sally Robinson

Bulk deletions

Important: This option is only available for Admin users.

If you are an Admin user, you can see a tile in the Settings page called Digital Shredder. You can use this to clean up data within the Legal Forms application.

Once data has been deleted using the Digital Shredder, it cannot be recovered.

Note that digitally submittable forms cannot be deleted if they are in a pending state or waiting for a response. The Digital Shredder will skip those forms.

Summary of permissions needed for deleting forms

Form state

Who can delete it

A single draft form prepared in Library or Hub

Any user who has access to the form can delete it

A pending digital form waiting for a response from a gateway

No one can delete this, since it is awaiting a response

Multiple forms at once

An Administrator can delete these using the digital shredder

Can I recover a deleted form?

No, we do not hold copies of forms if you have deleted them as there is no basis for us to retain a copy of your data if you have specifically told Legal Forms to delete it.

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