System Administrators

User Management

Various articles around how to manage users

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3 articles by 1 author

​Getting Started - Admin user overview

Before we start: this quick overview will cover the critical set up you need to get started. This guide is a quick summary of the administration functionality available in Legal Forms.


Adding one or more office addresses

Some forms need your office address including in order to pre-populate them. A user with administrator rights, who can see the settings tab, can maintain the office details. Here is how you add or ed…


Setting a default font

Selecting a default font for your organisation (Administrators) If you are a Legal Forms Administrator you can change the default font used throughout forms in the Library for your entire organisatio…

Sally Robinson
Updated by Sally Robinson

Digital Shredder

Bulk deletions. Important: This option is only available for Admin users. If you are an Admin user, you can see a tile in the Settings page called Digital Shredder. You can use this to clean up data…

Sally Robinson
Updated by Sally Robinson

Digital submissions invalid credentials

If a user receives an error message saying that you credentials are invalid, a Legal Forms administrator will need to resolve this. Go to Settings | Gateway settings. There are a few reasons this mig…

Sally Robinson
Updated by Sally Robinson

Library form changes - accessing from MS Teams

Did you know there is an easy way to share news about form changes in a Teams channel? Try it out, by…

