HM Revenue & Customs

Applying for an HMRC/SDLT account

To submit Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) forms through in Legal Forms, you use the same credentials as you use for HMRC Online Services. You will need: HMRC User ID. HMRC User Password. Stamp Taxes Onlin…


SDLT - agent authorisation

Where are the agent authorisation questions?


SDLT - paying the tax

When you submit SDLT returns using Legal Forms, your SDLT5 certificate will contain a unique transaction reference number (UTRN). This reference will always be made up of 9 numbers and 2 characters (…


SDLT- Correcting a mistake

What do I do if I have made a mistake on my SDLT form but it has already been submitted and processed by HMRC? If you made a mistake when you filled in your SDLT return, you have 12 months after the…


Contact HMRC

If you need to speak to HMRC about your submissions, their contact details can be found here:

