Document Management Systems (DMS)
Getting started with Legal Forms
Getting Started. This quick guide is for a standard user. This guide is a quick summary of the main features within Legal Forms. Use this checklist to make sure you know the basics to get up and runn…
Searching for forms
Finding the right form. In the Library module, there are over 3,000 forms to choose from. If you're struggling to find the one you need, try these tips: Exact match - using the Quick search to find,…
Deleting forms
Users can delete forms individually, Admins can delete in bulk using the digital shredder function.
Bundling Library forms together
Often you need to save some forms together, such as Companies forms which have specific continuation pages instead of expandable sections. (The restriction that they don't expand is imposed by Compan…
Client Collaboration (share forms with clients)
Client Collaboration allows users to share Library forms with people outside of their organisation, such as clients. Share with client button is found on the Form history page of any form you have ac…
Status dashboard
Legal Forms has a status dashboard, which you can view at Status Dashboard. Whilst we strive to ensure we're always available, we also want to make sure you can keep updated if there is a problem. Yo…
Cloning a form in Library
When you clone a form, you are creating another form, just the same as the original. This can be useful if you need to do multiple forms that are very similar. Cloning the original form will create a…
Crossing out or Striking out text
In the Library forms, there is sometimes a need to strikeout text. The ability to do this is enabled by our form designers and can be seen in the below example. Text with background shading is enable…
Form updates
What happens when a form is updated whilst a user is working on it? Form updates currently take place overnight and will be ready to use the following morning. If a user is working on a form which is…
Information barriers
Information Barriers are sometime also called Ethical Walls. This is where a matter is kept confidential even within an organisation. This is supported for digital submissions and Library form by an…
Linked Lasting Powers of Attorney
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) forms have special extra features in Legal Forms enabling you to create linked forms. This is a really useful feature, saving you time if you need to create multiple…
Printing a form in the Library
To print a form, you must use the Generate PDF button first. Library forms are displayed in a browser window, but different resolutions can change the look slightly. When your form is finished, if yo…
Legal numbering
We need to use our house-style legal numbering on forms, how do we do this? If you have a preferred style of legal numbering, you can use the Rich Text Editor within a form. Alternatively, you can cr…
Digital signatures
Can I get a client to add a digital signature to a form? When you are ready for signature on a form that can be authenticated with a digital signature, generate the final PDF of the form. You can the…
The Reports tab in Legal Forms is available to all users. Depending on what type of forms your organisation uses, there may not be data in all of the reports. Reconciliation report. This section prov…
Sharing forms with colleagues
Sharing a form with colleagues. Included as standard within Legal Forms is the ability to share a form with colleagues in your organisation. Whether it is a digital form in the Hub or a Library form,…
About the Product Hub
Come to the Product Hub for announcements, such as new features. maintenance windows. searchable online help. how to get in touch. A red number badge highlights when new announcements are waiting for…
Fonts, emphasis and rich text editing
Changing the font in Library forms, setting a default font for yourself or for the whole organisation (Admin users only)
Library Data bank
This article is about the Data bank available within the Library module of Legal Forms How do I open the Data bank?. When editing a form, you can open the data bank panel by selecting Insert from dat…
Changing a user's name
Users can edit their name themselves, by clicking on the profile icon in the navigation bar at the top of the page. If a user changes their name for reasons such as getting married – will previously…