Digital Submission forms

Companies House

Information for digital submissions via Legal Forms Hub to Companies House

HM Land Registry

Information for digital submission of the AP1 via Legal Forms Hub to HM Land Registry

HM Revenue & Customs

Information for digital submission of the SDLT via Legal Forms Hub to HM Revenue and Customs

Gateway Service Disruption

Occasionally there are issues beyond our control with the gateways we connect to. We handle this for you, by trying again when the gateway is back, however it may mean you are waiting longer than usu…


Duplicate submission

What do I do if I am concerned a submission has been made twice? Companies House If you are concerned you have filed a mortgage twice (MR01 or MR02) then you should contact Companies House as soon as…


Invalid credentials

Invalid credentials for submission If you submit a form and you receive a message that your credentials are invalid, your Legal Forms Administrator will need to resolve this.


Fee Reconciliation

How do I reconcile the fees charged by OneAdvanced or by the Agencies we submit to? Registration fees/submission fees charged by the recipient. Some forms attract a fee on submission to a particular…


Rejection Rates

How is the rejection rate figure calculated on my dashboard? Total submissions made/100/total rejections (only count 1 per form, so multiple rejections of 1 form is 1 rejection)

